As promised... criter pasai REBORN. Hubby selalu complained that he had a bad headache but not a migrain. So, we decided to see a sensei at Reborn sumwhere in Lanai Precint 10 Ptrjya. Quite a relaxing place n nice scenery berhadapan dgn tasik. Hubby being examined by Dr. Liew, doctor that expert in body, nerve etc. He's from China. Dia pegang nadi n few minutes after that he can tell everything about ur health. But not everything la, sum of it memang betul apa yg doc tu katakan. U c, hubby tersgtla kurus berat dlm 54-56kg je. Tu berat masa i anak dara la. Bila dah jadik mak dara ni i've gained few kgsss. But the prob now is dia lagi byk penyakit dr i (org 'sihat' la katakan). Doc claimed that dia ni low energy, stress, underweight, ketegangan urat sbalah otak kanan n ada beberapa tempat yg blood circulation xbrapa nak betul. As for me, I'm in a good health (harap Allah kekalkan tahap kesihatanku). Cuma kena exercise skit bagi kuaq peluh.
So hubby being suggested to do acupunture, bekam n body massage which cost us around $89, mean while the sweet wifey will having a nice relaxing foot massage cost around $50 for 1hr. Nice hah! Sorry xdaq gambaq since kami kuaq umah curi2 lupa nak bawa camera. Rugila!
I taktau what happened to hubby since his treatment being done upstairs while mine downstairs. Memula I kena rendam kaki dlm ayaq panaih wit herbs abount 10mins, then d lady started to massage my leg for almost 1hr. Sedap n relax sgt. Dah lama kami xbuat benda2 tanpa anak2. Sesekali bagi rewards kat diri sendiri kan.
Bila dah abis, ingatkan nak visit hubby kat atas, tetgk dia pun dah selesai. Berbekas2 blakang badan n puas, rasa badan ringan skit, katanye la. Balik umah kami tidoq keletihan. At least hari tu dpt buat benda yg berfaedah skit. Lepas nih nak try spa plak macam Pijah n gang buat tu. Mesti best. Till then.
Hubby n anak2
for headache kan.. i always drink hot black tea (jasmine tea or chinese tea slalunyer, earl grey tak cukup powwah) drink a whole mug full of hot steaming tea without milk and sugar. sure lega kepala lepas tu. sila try :p it works for me everytime.